Table of Contents
- Know about Cholesterol and its Importance before knowing about High Cholesterol Symptoms
- How well do we Indians score in matters of Cholesterol?
- What should be the Ideal Cholesterol Levels?
- Signs that are regarded as High Cholesterol Symptoms
- High Cholesterol Symptoms can be detected in both Men and Women
Never Ignore These Early Warning Signs: High Cholesterol Symptoms Warns About A Silent Killer Choking Up Your Lifeblood
High cholesterol – the silent killer – doesn’t typically announce its presence in noticeable measures. Most of the time it inflicts serious damages like heart diseases and cardiac strokes to let you know that it was lurking underneath. This lack of early symptoms lets cholesterol accumulate within the veins. But it’s only our own ignorance that makes us overlook the telltale signs that might have prevented your journey to the ICU.
We, therefore, won’t just stop at letting you know about the high cholesterol symptoms but will also explain the way it will affect your body. Additionally, we also tell you how to keep cholesterol levels in check and what you must do in case you indeed have high cholesterol. Those with a family history of cardiac disorders and hypertension should read this without fail. And smokers, especially those with a poor diet structure, obesity and leading a sedentary lifestyle – better follow our recommendations before it’s too late.
Know about Cholesterol and its Importance before knowing about High Cholesterol Symptoms
The liver produces cholesterol. Even most of the cells of the body make it. Blood carries it all around the body, using lipoproteins[ref] as vehicles. The body needs blood cholesterol to build cell membranes and make the steroid and adrenal hormones. It also keeps the metabolism running efficiently besides producing vitamin D. Its other functions are producing the bile acids without which, the body can’t digest fat and absorb important nutrients.
This waxy substance is not fat, however. It’s fat-like, at the most. There are two chief transport systems cholesterol uses to circulate around the body. The first one is LDL or Low-density lipoprotein that carries most of it to the body cells. We know it as the bad cholesterol, for an excess of it in the bloodstream blocks blood from flowing into the heart.
The HDL or High-density lipoprotein or the good cholesterol, on the other hand, removes excess cholesterol from the cells, including those in the arteries.[ref] The HDL brings extra cholesterol to the liver and then it gets expelled from the system through stool. There should be more of HDL cholesterol in your body to resist plaque formation in arteries. You want an improved cardiac health and stay away from a stroke, HDL is the key.
HDL cholesterol also fights inflammation and oxidants, which keeps the cells healthy and strong. Alongside, it prevents blood from clotting inside the blood vessels.[ref]
How well do we Indians score in matters of Cholesterol?
Urban Indian population across 20 states and 212 localities revealed as per fasting blood samples from 46,919 subjects between 18 years and 96 years of age has a total cholesterol level of 176.7 ± 42.1 mg/dl. Out of these, LDL cholesterol had been found to range between 110.5 ± 34.0 mg/dl whereas HDL cholesterol ranged between 43.2 ± 11.7 mg/dl. As for non-HDL cholesterol it was 133.5 ± 41.3 mg/dl and triglycerides 162.3 ± 106.7 mg/dl. [ref]
What should be the Ideal Cholesterol Levels?
South Asians are genetically predisposed towards high cholesterol. Adding to it are a general disregard for physical activities, and dietary habits that at best can be called unhealthy.
Among South Asians, the normal range of cholesterol in Indians is similar to Caucasians (whites) but at the same time, it runs higher than that of other Asians. But it’s also a fact that the risk of heart-related diseases run double compared to any other ethnic group in the world. This makes the optimal level of total and LDL cholesterol among South Asians is far lower.
South Asians have been noticed to have low HDL levels; the comparison showcases low HDL affects three out of four people, but the strange things is, very old people have been found to have very high HDL levels. This could be a reason behind why they are living for so long.
Your fasting cholesterol/lipid goals therefore, must ideally be 100 mg/dL or less while HDL should stay between 50mg/dL to 60mg/dL. As for triglycerides – three individual fatty acids bound together in a single large molecule and serving as an important energy source forming much of the fat stored by the body levels – must not cross 150mg/dL. Between 150 mg/dL and 200 mg/dL is considered borderline risk and anything above that is high risk. [ref]
Signs that are regarded as High Cholesterol Symptoms
Stroke and heart attacks are definite symptoms of a cholesterol level that’s abnormally high (hypercholesterolaemia). But there are also certain visible indications that tell you need to check for if it’s on the rise. They are:
- Tendon xanthomata – Cholesterol make the knuckles of your hands swell. So foes your knees and the chord at the back of your ankle (Achilles tendon).
- Xanthelasmas – These are small lumps, usually yellow in color, that form in your eye’s inner corner.
- Corneal arcus – A pale white ring around the iris, the coloured portion of the eye. [ref]
These apart, shortness of breath, sudden chest pains and fatigue also tells you to be careful.
High Cholesterol Symptoms can be detected in both Men and Women
High cholesterol affects both 40+ men and 50+ and menopausal women. However, it is often found to be triggered by underlying medical problems, especially those causing inflammation in the body, like ulcerative skin diseases. If you detect any such symptoms, it will be foolish to not visit a cardiac specialist and get diagnosed readily.
Disclaimer: The information provided on this website is for educational purposes only and should not be considered a substitute for professional medical advice, diagnosis, or treatment. Always consult your healthcare provider for personalized guidance, questions, or concerns regarding your health. Relying solely on the information here is not recommended, as each individual’s situation is unique and may require specialized care. Seek professional assistance for any medical emergencies or health-related decisions to ensure your well-being and safety.